叶小伟 个人主页 (Homepage of Xiaowei Ye)
Email: yexiaowei@bit.edu.cn Google Scholar: link 北京理工大学计算机博士生 (PhD student in computer science, Beijing Institute of Technology)。
发表工作 (Works)
- Ye Xiaowei, et al. “Lightning fast and space efficient k-clique counting.” WWW (2022). (CCF A)
- Ye Xiaowei, et al. “Efficient biclique counting in large bipartite graphs.” SIGMOD(PACMMOD) (2023): 1-26. (CCF A)
- Ye Xiaowei, et al. “Efficient k-Clique Counting on Large Graphs: The Power of Color-Based Sampling Approaches.” TKDE (2023). (CCF A)
- Ye Xiaowei, et al. “Efficient and Effective Anchored Densest Subgraph Search: A Convex-programming based Approach.” SIGKDD (2024). (CCF A)
- Li Rong-Hua, Ye Xiaowei, et al. “Counting Cohesive Subgraphs with Hereditary Properties.” WWW (2025). (CCF A, Accepted. The supervisor is the first author.)
获奖与荣誉 (Scholarship)
分别获得本科,硕士和博士国家奖学金 (Received the National Scholarship for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies respectively)。